How does Swap work?
Swap is an automatic liquidity agreement. There is no need to bid or match transactions, and there are no centralized organizations and facilities to guarantee transactions. Controlled by a smart contract, each capital pool supports operations such as swapping token and increasing liquidity.
Here take an example of exchanging CET into ONES for illustration. Supposed there is no direct trading pair for ONES/CET, there are CET/USDT and ONES/USDT trading pairs. By using [Swap] function on OneSwap, users can exchange CET into USDT first and then exchange USDT into ONES. The process of swapping tokens via multiple trading pairs is called “multi-jump”.
How to swap tokens?
1. Visit and click [Swap]. On [Swap] page, [Select Token] respectively in the left and right column.
2. On [Select Token] page, it is recommended to search token's smart contract address and double-check token name and smart contract address.
3. Take the swap from 10 CET to some ONES as an example.
4. Read the note carefully, and click [Got it].
5. Double-check the swap details and click [Swap] to proceed. Then go to your wallet to reconfirm the transaction details and wait for CET network block packaging and confirmation to complete the swap.