How to create a memecoin?
1. Visit the OneSwap official website (, connect your wallet, and click [Pump] at the top of the page to access the Pump page.
2. Click [Create] to jump to the creating page.
3. Upload the Token Icon (mandatory), enter the Token Name (mandatory) and the Ticker Symbol (mandatory) and other information. Click [Create Token] to pay 1 CET fee and create.
4. You can see your token on [Rank] page.
How to trade memecoin?
1. Find or search a memecoin on [Rank] page, and click [Details] to jump tp the trading page.
2. You can check the information of this token, and [Buy] or [Sell] it.
How to check your memecoin?
1. Click [My Pump] to jump to your holding page.
2. You can see all your holdings in this page.
3. You can check the tokens you followed on [My Favorites] page.
4. You can check the tokens you created on [My Creation] page.